Monday, August 23, 2010

Belgian Chocolate - Handcrafted Sweet Perfection

How many times have you looked exquisite shells protruding from a box? The color, shape and how often one wonders whether it is really something to eat or just a show piece.

But you know the story behind Belgian chocolates? Know that most Belgian chocolates are handmade? You know how many tons of Belgian chocolates are exported every year? If not, then go ahead and read some ofKey Facts about chocolate, how it all started and what it is today?

Chocolates were in the 15th Century discovered a beer bitter, and are used as a cure for diseases (Yeah! Wish Chocolate could cure diseases that no body would have avoided the drugs).

At one point in time was considered to be sacred cocoa.

In ancient times the cocoa beans were roasted, ground, mixed with spices and a bitter drink. It is said that onlyrich could afford.

Many cocoa beans used for gold these days to buy.

Add sugar to the bitter drink was a first change that came from European nobility, on the road, finally took the confectionery world by storm.

Chocolate was introduced in 1900, the Belgians in the early years. What made him is history.

The uniqueness of Belgian chocolate is the creation of "chocolate". Chocolate is full of chocolate shellwith smooth milk chocolate that melts in your language. The chocolate was then the shape of shells, the hand to reach perfection was given.

The chocolate is very soft packaging was introduced for the cups of chocolate Ballotin "came to be known. Sun is special as these chocolates" chocolates from Ballotin be known. "Chocolate is wonderful, eye-catching packaging that did the great gifts of chocolates since.

Even today many chocolateMakers create handmade chocolates in Belgium.

Belgium produces over 170 000 tons of chocolate per year.

Today, Belgian chocolate, you can have the caps, liquor, filling, chocolate filling and crunchy shell.

If you are traveling on Belgium, we know there are a series of events all year round chocolate. Get free samples of chocolates from a direct knowledge of the production process, BelgiumYears for a connoisseur of chocolate 'paradise.

The most important ingredient that makes delicious Belgian chocolate, so is the careful selection of cocoa beans that are the best in the world. Often the seed of cocoa has remained as the legend goes hand-picked.

The remaining ingredients are chosen with great care.

Today, the Belgian chocolate industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Available in most of the world, someauthentic Belgian chocolates and some not so much if you chocolate lovers to know the life of an ever afterward, the dark side, the Belgian chocolate is a must.

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Choose dark chocolate for heart health

Have you heard the saying - "A dark chocolate a day keeps the doctor away?" If not, you win a lot of knowledge about the dark chocolate. Take a dark chocolate a day is good for the heart of these chocolates are loaded with many flavaniods. All you have to do to keep your heart in a day of healthy eating has been a 1.6 oz small bar of chocolate for heart health for all. Mary Engler has done at the University of California, San Francisco,Research.

Remember that not all chocolate is created equal. You should know that any process of production standards for flavaniods chocolate tends to destroy more than half. Fortunately, most organizations have learned to preserve the art of preparing the chocolate would be up to 95 percent of its flavaniods. This is not a fraud. E '100% true that you can now benefit a lot from eating chocolate.

This does not mean you overloadwith chocolate. Remember that chocolate has more calories and you definitely need to cut elsewhere, if you have a lot of dark chocolate.

There are several benefits of eating dark chocolate. Here are some of these advantages:

lower blood pressure: One of the biggest advantages of eating chocolate is that it tends to lower high blood pressure, if it is. This is evidenced by a confirmedReport Dirk Jaubert, MD, University of Cologne, Germany, PhD. The report was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. However, make sure that this report does not give you a reason to binge, as these chocolates are a lot of calories in.

The presence of antioxidants: sufficient amounts of dark chocolate is made, is proving a powerful antioxidant to the body. This is a report of Mauro Serafini, PhD, and colleagues have produced evidence Italian National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research in Rome. The issue of Nature published the report. Antioxidants are powerful enough to eat a lot of radial free molecules in the dangerous heart disease or other conditions involved. Remember that in order to benefit from antioxidants you eat milk without chocolate. People who have dark chocolate every day have a greater epicatechin. It is about a real good mix of commonly usedChocolate>.

Good heart: As mentioned above, chocolate is rich in flavaniods dark. This connection is good for the heart. It also has other links, state aid to keep the heart healthy people to eat chocolate in a healthy diet.

With so many benefits of dark chocolate, there is no reason to stay away from her. All you have to do is remember that a healthy diet is balance, which keeps the heart fit and beautiful. Binging inYou will never achieve the desired objectives. Choose dark chocolate for heart health.

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Xocai opportunity is profitable and legit? Xocai Review

I decided to call Xocai a possibility because of the number of performing the study online fraud, is what I found ...

Xocai Chocolate is also known as "healthy." It 'released in the U.S. and worldwide. The production process uses the technology of cold pressing.


Xocai, pronounced "sigh-" Sho, is the technology created by Belgian chocolate on a patented cold-pressing. And 'known as the natural and unprocessedChocolate. The claims are that chocolate retains 100% of its antioxidant capacity. Presumably it contains no fat, cholesterol and other potentially harmful substances.

Xocai is determined by three main problems of environmental control agencies have certified Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Forest Stewardship Council and the stamp of Forest Certification Schemes. Xocai All packages are approved, these three approvals from all applicable agencies. Xocai not boast with anyharmful ingredient or GMO or genetically modified organisms. The products are certified by Brunswick Laboratories. The products will be through a program of employee profit sharing, network marketing, but not sold at retail.

How to sell

Xocai is willing to wholesale distributors and members sold. You can obtain business opportunities, products to sell to friends and family about. If you bring more people into a retail product, you also get more revenue through commissions. The approach is madea person of any person. You can sell and recruit on the Internet, in person, by phone or through their existing business.

MXI Corporation is the main reason that companies and created Xocai distributor. The dealers can earn a few thousand dollars to more than $ 100,000, depending on the performance of the network. You need about 1-2 cases each month of purchase agreement for the vessel drive. This will ensure that you have an activeStates may continue to receive commissions.

From the research I've done, I can tell, this seems like a legit possibility.

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