Saturday, August 14, 2010

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate, the predecessor of chocolate milk chocolate bar was invented by Daniel Peter in the nineteenth century in Vevey, Switzerland. Mr. Peter, having invented his chocolate milk, went to work for the company Nestle, with its product invented just for him. He worked for the company until 1919. He died at the age of ninety. Swiss chocolate is still considered the best on the market. It was not until the twentieth century, whichthe marriage of chocolate milk in liquid form was popular.

There are many forms of chocolate milk. One of them is the hot chocolate is a cocoa powder with milk and sugar and heat until warm and smooth blend. This mixture is used to warm when it's cold and also to help on a couch. Many people, like hot chocolate at bedtime to sleep there, as is a form of comfort food. There are other forms of milk chocolate, which can be heated andbeen used for years, such as: Ovaltine, which was probably used as a beverage for children to help them grow strong. Is also a form of Nesquick chocolate powder for hot chocolate

Today, milk chocolate comes in all forms, liquid milk, milk products, grains and chocolate bars. It can be hot or cold drink and all reasons. People have a connection to chocolate as a romantic mood change satisfying and safe.Every man, woman and child has some connection to love or chocolate or pleasant memories, or need, less depressed, I feel bad for a day. Chocolate and dairy products are off for years and will continue to remain with us many years to come. For generations, the milk chocolate is the form of chocolate was also used cold nights as a cocktail with the addition of rum in the hot milk. There is no end to what this drink is smoothMilk and chocolate cake you can do to be a dull day is brilliant.

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Belgian chocolates

It 's always nice, a little story about something that you know love. I wrote the following article for information on the history of chocolate. I hope to help the following article.

The Belgian chocolate is the most famous chocolate chocolate has a layer of a soft fondant center. The Duc de Plessis-Praline XIII, who was ambassador to serve King Louis, who called chocolate. He wanted a chocolate the rebels would intensify the Bordelais. The concept of chocolate has about since then, but today we know as the chocolate was not born until 1912 by Jean Neuhaus, founder of the brand Neuhaus. Neuhaus invented a shell filled with chocolate cream nothing could be done, other nuts or chocolate.

Chocolates are always the height of fashion and elegance. When needed in the package should be designed for this delicate particular > Chocolate so that is not damaged. The rectangular box known Ballotin was invented then. Up was designed for this type of packaging, chocolates, where they often performed in small packages cone. In the traditional chocolate shops to see too.

Belgian chocolate, which originally only bought chocolates from people who had much money, but a reduced price of chocolate now, so that each purchase and the unique flavor of> Belgian Chocolate.

When you buy online Belgian chocolate, I would recommend its purchase. It is not just a simple experience, but save with coupon code options.

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Health benefits of dark chocolate

"A true chocolate lover finds ways to accommodate his passion and his work life." - Julie Davis

Chocolate, sometimes as dark chocolate, also produced by adding fat and sugar, the cocoa bean, without the addition of milk is dark. Some would say milk contaminates the purity of the cocoa bean. They may be right, but I do not argue! If you like to eat chocolate, then choose a candy bar of dark chocolate orsimultaneously in small quantities. This is one of the many varieties of chocolate available today, not necessarily a favorite of everyone, but certainly a healthy choice. Purchase bars, truffles, drinks and much more. The impressive thing is, no matter what form you choose, you can still enjoy the benefits of dark chocolate Heath.

The price of chocolate

There are quite a few different benefits offered by dark chocolate. It is not onlydelicious, but one that can be used to improve mood. This should be right on a Monday. If you ever get the feeling of rope, you can eat chocolate, you can make some feel better, as demonstrated doctor. Look See in the face of a crying child, and where the chocolate on the tongue and you will! Chocolate actually contains a number of different chemicals, the emotions associated with happiness. Holidays like Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day are perfect examplescelebrations that include all types of chocolate happy.

Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants that can prevent disease, reduce blood pressure and heart and improves blood flow as the plant phenols (antioxidants) from the cocoa plant. I read that dark chocolate contains more antioxidants than red wine pure.

Remember that if you want the chocolate to get the most from your benefits, you must purchase in its pure form, because otherForms of chocolate were produced chocolate with additives that have removed the clean parts. You can do this contact your doctor for further information, But they will definitely agree and say That Offered types of benefits that health chocolate, dark, and many others.

"Nine out of ten people like chocolate.
The tenth person always lies. "
-Artist/cartoonist John Q. Tullio

Just like drinking wine that is supposed to be in good healthIs a glass a day, but it is not healthy if you flaunt it, the same goes for eating chocolate, or any other type of chocolate. A little 'it for you, but it is also very waistline add layers for good! Moderation keeps the smile and the way more.

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