Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate May Surprise You

The benefits of dark chocolate have been reported in many scientific journals in recent years. One of these was the study by Grassi, Lippi, Necozione, and Desideri in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. These researchers found that dark chocolate decreased blood pressure and had a positive impact on insulin sensitivity in healthy persons.

Dark chocolate provides health benefits due to the flavonoids found in cocoa. These benefits were first seen in the Kuna Indian population living in the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama. This population has a very low incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They also consume high quantities of cocoa-rich beverages. This led researchers to study the link between cocoa and their health. They observed definite links between the cocoa and their low incidence of certain diseases.

The flavanoids found in cocoa serve as antioxidants when ingested. These flavonoids protect blood vessels from undergoing oxidative changes that result in certain diseases. The result is stronger capillaries and other connective tissue that leads to enhanced health and wellness.

They didn't know about flavonoids centuries ago but they did know that there were health benefits to dark chocolate. Historical documents have been discovered that refer to the medicinal use of chocolate in treating diseases such as angina and heart pain.

Plants are protected from microbes and insects by their flavonoids. For humans, these ingested antioxidants trigger the production of natural enzymes that protect us from disease just as they do the plants that contain them.

What are some flavonoid-rich foods?




red beans

red fruits

yellow fruits

red vegetables

yellow vegetables

certain nuts

green tea

There are many health benefits to eating even small amounts of this nutrient. A well-balanced diet consisting of adequate fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even a little dark chocolate will provide sufficient levels of these antioxidants.

What are some of the health benefits?

reduces risk of certain cancers such as ovarian cancer

lowers blood pressure

improves insulin resistance

reduces risk of stroke and heart attack

fights atherosclerosis

reduces risk of chronic respiratory problems

protects from UV light that may reduce the risk of skin cancer

decreases inflammation and pain associated with arthritis

the smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves which results in relaxation

Before you stock up on chocolate bars there are some important facts to keep in mind:

dark chocolate has the beneficial flavonoids; stay away from white and milk chocolate

European chocolate is highest in flavonoids

monitor the fat and calories you consume with chocolate; you only need a very small amount to benefit

do not rely on dark chocolate for the bulk of your antioxidants; let it replace your unhealthy sweets

The role of flavonoid rich foods in preventing disease and maintaining health and wellness will continue to be heavily researched by scientists. Try to stay informed of these and other developments in contemporary health and wellness.

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