Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Transportation in Cebu

The beautiful city of Cebu is easily competing with the Philippines' capital of Manila, as a thriving metropolitan center, and a growing hubbub of commercial complexes and businesses. Fast becoming modern with less of the pollution normally encountered in busy cities, Cebu has become a favorite tourist destination spot for foreigners, both businessmen and visitors alike.

To have a better idea of how to get to Cebu and how to explore it's growing and fascinating lifestyle and culture, it is always a good idea to learn how to commute in and out of the city, as well as know how to explore using the host of public and private transportation available.

For starters, the best way to reach the island of Cebu is via air. Most airlines including Phililppine Airlines, and Cebu Pacific offer daily flights to Cebu, although foreigners can skip Manila and fly directly to the city with some airlines, although going through Manila is always the fastest, although sometimes the noisiest, route. Going by sea, and taking a passenger ferry is also another option. Cebu also has several ferries making daily rounds from other cities to Cebu and back. Larger ferries with 2,000 upwards of 4,000 passengers tend to travel longer routes, while small boats concentrate on ferrying people from nearby islands.

To date, a universal metro railway system has yet to be implemented, mainly in part because of the high costs such a system will be on the current budget, though plans to set one up may be forthcoming in the future. To date, traveling around Cebu consists mainly of buses. A metro bus system has been created called the Bus System Transit (or BST), allowing for both residents and visitors an easier option of exploring the city without spending too much on travel. Simpler, faster, and more effective, these buses will follow set routes at appointed hours, making waiting for the bus a much more pleasant experience. These buses are also carefully tracked by a monitoring system to ensure that they do not fall off schedule, making rushing for appointments or meetings all the more easier, and cost-effective for the city as a whole.

Taxis are another easier albeit more expensive option, allowing you to travel in and around the city and go almost anywhere. The only downside to this is that you can be charged from anywhere as low as P60 or P70 to ashigh as P130. Regardless, most taxi drivers are fairly knowledgeable about the area, and, like most Filipinos, are best known for their hospitality. Most will be more than willing to point out the best sights around Cebu for no extra charge and may even engage you in friendly conversation as they drive. Most tend to charge higher if they are aware that you are a tourist though, so always keep an eye on the taxi meter and pay only what you owe.

Perhaps the best and most aesthetic public utility found not only in Cebu, but in almost all parts of the Philippines, are jeepneys. Beginning as an American means of military transport during the World War, most jeepneys today now sport colorful aesthetic designs and are also one of the most popular means of transport. Most jeepneys typically go through important routes from the South Bus Terminal to Colon, or Lahug or Ayala to Gudalupe, and can cost as low as P6 a ride. Taking jeepneys can become confusing however, particularly because street names can sometimes change, although jeepney drivers are aware of both old and new names. It is always a safe bet to familiarize yourself with where you want to go and plan the route before actually taking a jeepney, or bring along a friend or guide with more experience.

You can also make use of the more specialized pedi-cabs - bicycles or motorcycles with a covered passenger seat. These pedicabs do not always go as far as a typical jeepney would, but they tend to go through small routes that jeepneys normally wouldn't, and charges roughly the same as a jeepney ride.

Cebus is always an excellent place to spend your holidays, or even take up residence, but it is important to consider ways by which you can travel around and enjoy the sights, to maximize your sightseeing pleasure.

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Joel Marion Reviews - Can You Really Cheat Your Way Thin?

Joel Marion is an acclaimed and well known fitness trainer and nutrition expert whose program, over the last few years, have been read and used by tens of thousands of people all over the world. In this article I'll help you see whether Joel Marion's approach to weight loss is right for you or whether you should avoid it because it will likely not work.

His most famous program is called Cheat Your Way Thin and it uses the principle of "Cheating" to achieve a faster, easier, and more long term weight loss. This is something that Joel Marion advocates and it's impossible to review his work and the Cheat Your Way Thin program without delving deeper into how "cheating" really works and why it works.

Cheating involves something that seems counter intuitive to dieting: eating fattening, high calorie foods on a regular basis, in a strategic way can actually help you to lose weight faster than otherwise.

This seems like something that shouldn't work at all. Isn't the whole purpose of dieting to create a calorie deficit and won't eating these fattening foods make it harder to lose weight?

The answer to this legitimate concern has several parts:

1. While the "Cheating" part of Joel Marion's program does get a lot of publicity, it is not the only thing that this diet plan is based on. You get one cheating day per week while on the Cheat Your Way Thin program. The other six days are more traditional in the food you get to eat and are based on carb cycling. You don't starve on these days but you do create your calorie deficit on them.

2. Cheating actually has a physical justification: it helps prevent starvation mode and metabolic slowdown which happen with traditional diet plans and can slow down your weight loss or even stop it completely. This happens when you cut your calories too drastically for too long. Cheating, when done right as Joel Marion teaches, can help avoid this from happening to you which can help to continue shedding weight for longer.

3. On the psychological side, being able to enjoy a slice of pizza, hamburger, and a few scoops of ice-cream every once in a while does the soul a lot of good and makes it much simpler to stick to your diet plan for as long as you need.

This is why Joel Marion's Cheat Your Way Thin works. It does require discipline and determination, but you can lose a lot of weight with it.

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The Disney World Castle - Sleeping Beauty's Magical Palace

The Disney World castle is the iconic fairy tale fortress that serves as the gateway to Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom's theme park. It is not only one of the central icons of Walt Disney World resort, but its romantic beauty has also come to represent all of the Walt Disney Company. It really is small wonder why Disney World will come to most people's mind when seeing an image of the castle.

The Disney World castle, also known as Sleeping Beauty's castle, has been around since July 17, 1955 and is the oldest of all the Disney castles. It reaches a height of approximately 77 feet and used to feature an empty upper level that was never intended to be used. Walt Disney was not satisfied with the wasted space and challenged his Imagineers to find some use for the space. Starting in April of 1957 visitors were able to walk through the castle and view several dioramas depicting the story of Sleeping Beauty. The walkthrough was closed in October 2001 and though no one was ever given a real reason why, many people think it had to do with the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001 and they wanted to eliminate the potential dangers.

Sleeping Beauty's castle is located in the heart of Magic Kingdom Theme Park, just above the central hub of the Park. Many Guests can catch their first glimpse of the castle from Main Street, U.S.A. When you first see the soaring spires, ornate turrets and shimmering moat, you know you have left the world of today and entered a magical new land full of fun and fantasy. While it may be initially startling to see a medieval castle at the end of a street right out of classic small-town America, the dream-like magic of the contrasting images captures the promise of the enchanted adventures awaiting you.

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