Sunday, July 4, 2010

America's Top 5 Chocolate Candy Brands

Often referred to as the sweetest pleasure of mankind, Chocolate candy is one of the top sellers in America after a long time before enjoying it. Chocolate was discovered by Mayans of the Yucatán Peninsula, in México about 2,600 years ago or so, as evidence found in ruins suggest.

When the Aztecs arrived to the Valley of Mexico, the term chocolate was coined, derived from its Náhuatl name. However, chocolate was only prepared as a beverage or chewed as cacao bean. In this period of history, the World's Finest Chocolates were totally out of scope.

Chocolate candy was taken to Europa by the hand of conqueror Hernán Cortés, who introduced it to Spain in the 16th century. It was not until the next century when it got back to New England, after the first British settlements overseas, although it is possible that American Native tribes knew how to prepare chocolate beverage.

The following centuries saw the growth of candy manufacturers introducing some of the finest brands, such as Hershey chocolate, Ghirardelli chocolate, Nestle chocolate and Lindt Chocolates, just to name a few.

It was during the 19th century when the World's Finest Chocolates would be manufactured following a period of industrialization. The Switzerland chocolate company Lindt & Sprüngli was founded in 1845, producer of the world-famous Lindt Chocolates.

Later Nestlé, another Switzerland Company, joined to the venture manufacturing sweeteners in 1866, but Nestle chocolate candy and other food products began to be distributed in all of Europe and America around the turn of the century.

As chocolate candy became more popular and accepted worldwide, more companies were established, and many others disappeared shortly after. In the United States, the pioneer was Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, founded in 1852. Ghirardelli chocolate was the first American brand.

Milton S. Hershey founded the Hershey Chocolate Company after visiting the Columbian Exposition. Hershey sold his former Lancaster Caramel Company, but retained the rights to produce American chocolate products. Hershey chocolate was just the beginning of one of the most successful business in the United States.

Along with Lindt Chocolates, Nestle chocolate, Ghirardelli chocolate, and Hershey chocolate, Mars is the other brand of chocolate candy sharing the top five as producer of some of the World's Finest Chocolates.

The American company Mars Incorporated was founded by Frank C. in 1920 which specialized in a chocolate candy bar with caramel, internationally known as the Mars Bar, and his son and wife developed the famous chocolates M&M's.

Different brands from different origins, the top chocolate candy brands are manufactured in America, preferred by consumers for about one hundred years, and ahead of other chocolate products distributed or produced in the United States, a nation that exports today the World's Finest Chocolates all over the world.

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Chocolate - A Healthy Food

Chocolate is always seen as a luxury food and therefore something rather naughty or even unhealthy - but is that a fair assessment? Along with so many other things in our diets, the supposed negative or positive aspects of eating chocolate are the subject of much controversy. Each time a new report is published it throws the conclusions of the previous one into disarray. This is true for many other foods as well as our beloved chocolate! Perhaps the true answer is not so much in chocolate itself but in the way, and the amount, that we eat. The chemical constituents of chocolate include a flavinoid and as flavinoids are known to benefit the circulation there can be no argument about that aspect of the benefits of eating chocolate. Chocolate also contains anti-oxidants which help remove other harmful constituents from the blood such as free radicals- again that is not in dispute.

This is the point at which opinions begin to differ, as the argument for chocolate in terms of flavinoids and anti-oxidants is negated for many people by the presence of the sugar and fat in chocolate. The potentially harmful effects of these are seen as outweighing the benefits of the others, particularly as flavinoids are available in other food and drink such as vegetables, fruit and tea. As with many things, common sense has to play a part. All things are harmful when taken in excess, even foods which are generally believed to be beneficial to our health. Moderation is the key in every aspect of life and eating chocolate is no exception.

Where sugars are concerned, from a health point of view complex sugars are deemed to be better as they take a longer time to break down within the body. However simple sugars are also carbohydrates and will furnish energy on demand, enabling our bodies to function efficiently. Fats in small quantities perform necessary functions within the body, helping to modulate some hormones within the brain and as a carbohydrate it also provides energy quickly when required. However it must be said that one of the fats found in chocolate is stearic acid, which is a saturated fat and thus can lead to an increase in cholesterols. Again, moderation is the key. There are many chemical compounds in chocolate that are far more beneficial and should be taken into account when worrying about any possible negative effects of the fats and sugars. For example caffeine - though harmful if taken to excess, is thought to be a positive influence on health if taken in small amounts. The quantity of caffeine in chocolate is less than that in coffee so having a cup of hot chocolate is less of an issue than having an equivalent cup of coffee - though I have to confess to a personal weakness for a dash of coffee in my hot chocolate or even a dash of chocolate in my coffee!

There is no doubt that chocolate has a 'feel good' factor, and is much loved by many women when PMT strikes. In fact there are times when it isn't safe for any male to enter our house unless they carry a bar of chocolate in front of them like a shield! Tryptophan, one of the compounds that develops into Serotonin, is found in chocolate. Serotonin is a chemical within the brain that helps us to handle the effects of stress and combat depression so there is another benefit there. Serotonin is created within the brain when we are sleeping so if you are short of sleep chocolate can be of great help in keeping you on an even keel. Research has also indicated that chocolate causes the release of endorphins within the brain which give you a 'high' in the shape of a feeling of well being and relaxation. Combined with the mild stimulant effect of Theobromine, chocolate can produce a feeling of alertness and generates a much more positive outlook that some of the other stimulants we occasionally take on board like alcohol.

Better quality, high cocoa solid content chocolate, the so called gourmet chocolate, has far less fat and sugar, and provided that, like all good things, we take it in moderation there is little harm done. In short, chocolate makes us feel good and that has to be beneficial to our sense of health and well being.

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