Friday, September 3, 2010

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Brussels on a budget

The cost of international flights and stay in your Hotel Brussels City may have something to rely on a tight budget. You want to explore the beauty and culture of this great city, but you must keep an eye on your wallet. But do not worry, here is a list of free and interesting things to do than to come to Brussels from your hotel to discover what this wonderful city has to offer.

Grand Place
One of the most beautifulEurope, Grand Place - or, as the Dutch call 'De Grot market "- has delighted many famous people over the years, including artists, writers and musicians. Archduchess Isabella, daughter of Philip II of Spain wrote:" I never had anything so beautiful and exquisite as the town square, where stands the City Hall also high in the sky seen. The decoration of the houses is remarkable. "You can walk and admire the elegance and drama of the Gothic buildings, or take your time andsip a beer in a small coffee inhabit the area. The year-round concerts and events take place in the square, then check with the concierge of your Brussels City Hotel for the track.

Visit Parliament
Do not miss the opportunity offered by a multimedia tour of the European Parliament. If it happens, occurs during meetings, while you're there, then you are also able to attend the session of parliament to real life. The visits areMonday to Thursday and 15:00 to 10:00 clock and the clock at 10.00 Friday only. Check with hotel Brussels City for information on dates, when Parliament is sitting. The visits are free and take place in all EU official languages. It is worth noting that the purpose of registration, you must take your passport, identity card or driving license with you and for the return must be 14 years old are visitors.

Sablon Markets
This is the oldest marketin Europe and a great place to wander through the collection of over 100 stores. Over the years, many markets a house on the Place du Grand Sablon, a horse market, a hay market, followed gave (that their name, the Rue de la Paille "), a textile market and a market fruit and vegetables. Now houses an antiques market and brilliant, who discussed when Mr. George Van de Weghe and then the pastor of the church and met Van de Weghe Sablon desire to show her tricks at the end has begunmass. The markets operate on weekends only, but are ideal for exploring the delights of Belgian chocolate, or have the old big. It 's really a wonderful market risk, and in a convenient location just steps from your Brussels City Hotel.

Cathedral of St. Michael and Gudula
The cathedral is an impressive and do not miss the chance to see this architectural wonder. Its history dates back twelve centuries, and iswere to build 300 years. Incredibly, you can see all this at a bargain price of € 1. There are numerous concerts and exhibitions throughout the year and the Brussels City Hotel is able to provide service Detailed information about the program of events.

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How to control chocolate cravings

Chocolate has a strong appeal for many of us, it takes away the best of intentions to reduce calories and control our weight. Just as we desire to control? Much more common in women (97%) than men (68%), nostalgia for the rich, creamy and dense, low calorie food and all the feelings that accompany them "Understand something is packed so many of us.

However, recent research British scientists at the University of Exeter, a bit 'lively 15 minutes of practiceit is possible that the dependence of stopping the bud.

We've all been there at one time or another.

And we all have our self-sabotage, we usually our request, we lack the will, if in fact the biological signals from the body to tell.

When we are tired or unhappy, we said to a low level of blood sugar and / or low serotonin, the body is the brain needs a pick-me-up and this is the beginning of a signal or sugar cravings carbohydrates.

One of the worst things aboutThe appetite comes when these impulses reach ... derailment and serious commitment to weight loss or undermine our efforts to overcome eating disorders.

The authors have provided background information on what we already know, continues hunger - that invites attacks irresistible unhealthy food safely to sabotage the efforts of weight management.

The study appears in the latest edition of the journal Appetite, and the authors hope their work leads to better strategies forCut cravings before the attack and take over.

Interestingly, good, healthy habits and reduce weight and increase fitness levels Were shown that even small changes in what you are eating and how active you are each day.

The study leader, Adrian Oliver and Anita Taylor 's University of Exeter conducted its work on 25 subjects who describe as "normal chocolate eaters" - those who ate one (at least) two 50 grams of chocolate barsDay.

Chocolate lovers were days, deprived of their loved one is three, and said not to have caffeine or exercise two hours before the test phase.

During the test, were monitors blood pressure and heart rate, and subjects completed food craving questionnaires.

While one group sat in silence, a separate set of subjects was asked on a treadmill for 15 minutes - a rigorous foot without walking out of breath. The way to go if you try, you cana bus.

Both groups have completed a computerized test and were allowed to process, but not to the taste, a discarded piece of chocolate. Now that the desire ... up close and personal.

Depriving those who are under stress from what they (the computerized test), and then the chocolate, the researchers were trying to deliberately burn the chocolate desire.

What they learned was that the group went, had a significantReduce their appetites, when compared with baseline measurements.

Moreover, fast walking makes your blood pressure after the test and in the handling of packaged chocolate. Impact regulated but apparently demand than do not.

If you can not be active, you can try some healthy foods provide the nutrients your body craves.

For example, if you are stuggling to control the desire for chocolate, what your body really needs, according to naturopathicDoctors, magnesium, obtained by eating healthy foods like nuts and seeds, legumes and fruits.

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