Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dark Chocolate - Top Health Benefits

Ever have a craving to dip into a delicious box of chocolates? Ever felt that a little chocolate might be just the thing right now? Well, it isn't surprising at all! Eating chocolates is one way of bringing out feelings of relaxation and a natural sense of well being. Aside from those reasons, chocolates have have also been found to have health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and introducing antioxidants to the body. The best kind of chocolate with the highest amount of rich nutritional value to promote good health is dark chocolate

Why is dark chocolate healthy? Compared to milk chocolate, dark chocolates have more cacao which is the key component in the obtaining the health benefits. It also has less sugar, and no milk ingredient. This is the reason why dark chocolate is also called plain chocolate The health benefits of dark chocolate may well replace the advantage of eating apples everyday. According to a study, eating 1.6-ounce of dark chocolate daily will be good for your health. The top health benefits include:

* Lowering risks of heart diseases. - The flavonoids content of dark chocolates promote blood clotting and this helps increase the blood flow in the heart.
* Lowering blood pressure -
* Lowering cholesterol -
* Feelings of relaxation that act as an anti-depressant -
* Promotion of good digestion and improved appetite
* Potential cancer prevention
* Antioxidants
* Recent studies show that it slows down decline of brain activity due to age
* Indications that it aids in treating anemia and kidney stones

So just why is dark chocolate is healthy ? Dark chocolate is healthy due to the fact that it comes from the plant seeds of cacao. Since its natural components come from nature, it can carry the same kind of nutrients and benefits that one can get from any fruit or vegetable. Dark chocolates are created by mixing fat and sugar to cacao but without milk additives such as those found in regular commercial chocolates. The flavonoids found in dark chocolates is believed to contain more antioxidants than a number of other fruits such as strawberries. So eating dark chocolates will help you lower your blood pressure and assist some of the hormones in your body to be better balanced.

Like most good things, there is a potential downside. Unfortunately, too much of it can still be fattening, but that is true for most things! While dark chocolate has less fat than other chocolates and a lot of other sweets, too much of a good thing tips the balance of the benefits and markedly increases your calorie consumption. So if you plan to include dark chocolate in your daily diet and you are not contented with consuming just 1.6 ounce of it, better cut out or lessen your intake of other high caloric foods. You may eat more chocolate but you definitely want to make sure that you maintain your daily calorie intake to avoid unwanted pounds. Also, eating higher quality chocolates can assist in cutting back the amount. The higher the quality and types of chocolate that you eat the more quickly you are to be satisfied with you delicious taste treat.

For some, eating dark chocolate is as pleasurable an experience as kissing! Aside from the natural high it brings, it also assists you in promoting good health if eaten in a specific amount of daily dark chocolate Daily small doses of dark chocolate included in a balanced diet and regular exercise can make for a healthier you. It is possible that the health benefits of dark chocolate may surpass those of some other fruits and vegetables while also giving the added benefit from giving you warm feeling inside out. So enjoy! Chocolate can be a part of your life and you don't have to go overboard - A little a day just might keep the doctor away!

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How do Belgian Chocolates are made?

This was a visit i made to the Chocolate Museum in Brussels was nice and interesting to know how are made this delicious chocolates seems easy but try yourself? enjoy!

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