Monday, February 22, 2010

Healthy Chocolate and heart disease

More Americans die every year from heart disease than any other cause, is the number one killer disease in the United States and parts of Europe. According to the American Heart Association, about 2,500 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day an average of one death every 35 seconds.

These support a surprising new source of heart, and show more and more medical studies which produced the incredible effect of raw materials, cocoa beans to cold, the beans used in healthy> Chocolate, provide tremendous support for the cardiovascular system in several ways.

What to do for my chocolate heart?

A study from 2006 noted a joint team of researchers at the University of California at Davis and University of Dusseldorf in Germany that the compound epicatechin found in cocoa directly to improved circulation and other hallmarks of cardiovascular function is connected . The researchers explain that the relaxation response in the blood vessels of the observedSubjects was established by nitric oxide (NO) transmits an important signal for the release by the inner lining of blood vessels (the endothelium). Because the ships are able to relax and less rigid, are less prone to clotting, blockage and risk of hypertension. (1)

Cesar G. Fraga 's University of Buenos Aires has recently demonstrated, an increase of chocolate derived procyanidins in the blood of men and women who had just eaten, cocoa-based foods. His team found that the blood sample in twoHours after cocoa consumption protected its circulating lipids from oxidation. The more they eat chocolate, the better the protection. (2)

Dietician Carl L. Keen, University of California-Davis says that prostacyclin are natural compounds, the coagulation of blood platelets, reducing the risk of thrombosis and constriction of blood vessels inhibit and prevent the oxidation of LDL ( "bad" cholesterol) and his entry into the walls blood vessels, where they can causeInflammation. Keen's study, published in 2005, the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that procyanidins of cocoa butter and Flavonol has once again demonstrated significant antioxidant properties and protect the ability of the heart and vascular system. (3)

If you have high blood pressure, a daily dose of flavonol-rich dark chocolate could lower blood pressure, researchers report in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association. (4) "backThe studies suggest flavonoid-rich foods - including fruits, vegetables, tea, red wine and chocolate - that offer the heart-vascular benefits, but this is one of the first clinical studies including the effect of dark chocolate in the eyes reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, "said one of the authors of the study. The results also requested that the researchers suggest flavonoid-rich foods should be part of an overall strategy, eat healthier, and chocolate fondantshould be part of this effort.

The more cocoa, the better

If it is to be attributed to the health benefits of chocolate, which are almost exclusively in the dark, bitter-sweet chocolate and related products with a cocoa content of 60% or more. Healthy polyphenols found in cocoa beans that, but are not present in milk, cream, sugar, fillers, waxes, fats and preservatives, which are often added to chocolate, the darker the chocolate the better. It isalso important to preserve the antioxidant properties of chocolate and to avoid "Dutch process" and alkalinization. Furthermore, because the heat can destroy the cocoa polyphenols, cocoa beans that have selected cold-pressed.

In addition to these limitations, chocolate, and enjoy your heart healthy!

(1) Schroeter H, et al. - Epicatechin average health benefits of cocoa flavanols rich vascular function in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006 Jan 24; 103 (4) :1024-9

(2) Engler M,et al.Flavonoid rich dark chocolate improves endothelial function and increases plasma epicatechin concentrations in healthy adults. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Jun; 23 (3) :197-204

(3) Keen CL et al. Cocoa antioxidants and cardiovascular health. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan; 81 (1Suppl) :2985-303S

(4) Baba S, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Mar; 85 (3) :709-17

(The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice. No therapeutic or medical claims are made or implied. Not affectMEDICAL or use of drugs without the consent of your health care provider. FDA regulations prohibit the use of therapeutic or medical claims in connection with the sale of products not approved by the FDA.)

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