Monday, August 2, 2010

The Unknown Health Benefits of Chocolate

You may feel guilty about your love of chocolate, but the truth is that there are times of the year when we can all indulge in a few pieces of chocolate without feeling ill effects. There's a saying that nine out of ten people love chocolate, and the tenth person is lying.

Why does all this guilt surround those who eat chocolate? Do we really need to feel guilty about eating it? Fortunately, the answer is no! There's nothing intrinsically unhealthy about chocolate comprised of 70% cocoa or more. Of course, the relative healthiness of chocolate depends on the quantity and quality of the chocolate being eaten.

There are actually several health benefits of eating chocolate. You may feel like you get a "rush" when eating it, and that feeling isn't just in your imagination. Chocolate contains a phyto-nutrient that acts as an endorphin in humans, giving us a pleasurable feeling similar to the "runner's high" that a long-distance runner sometimes feels.

Chocolate can almost be considered antidepressant for its effects on mood, so it's not surprising that many people reach for a chocolate bar when they're feeling down. One Swiss study found that those who ate 40g of dark chocolate a day displayed lowered levels of stress hormones in their bloodstreams, making them more resistant to the effects of stress.

There have been many studies conducted on the impact of chocolate on health, and the results have shown that it can actually have a positive impact. A Swedish study found that people who ate chocolate at least twice a week after having a heart attack increased their chances of survival three-fold over an eight-year period.

In a Canadian study that provided chocolate's health benefits, those who ate chocolate once a week were at a lower risk of stroke over those who did not.

The health benefits of chocolate come from flavinoids. These compounds, found in cocoa, act as a potent anti-oxidant in humans. They have also been shown to prevent oxidative damage to our genetic material, or DNA. This means that chocolate could potentially function as an anti-aging compound.

So there's really no need to feel guilty about eating chocolate, whether it's for Easter or another holiday, or just for any occasion. It's still necessary to consume chocolate in moderation, however - a bar every day is too much. The most healthy and beneficial kind of chocolate is composed of 70% cocoa, and organic chocolate is great as well if it's available in your area.

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