Monday, August 30, 2010

Satisfy your partner with exotic flavors of chocolate

Satisfy your partner with a gift to fashion exotic chocolate candies and some cultural knowledge. Chocolate taste bud trained experts know that not all the same taste of chocolate. Bar with beans grown in South America tastes different than you beans grown in West Africa, for example. Climatic variations and soil characteristics explain much of the difference. Make special chocolate treats with your partner and enjoy.

MoreConsumers do not know cocoa to make chocolate candy used much. For example, a classic Hershey's bar, the favorite of all time, just over 10% cocoa. But more and more gourmet chocolate makers launch lines with high cocoa content to attract customers to the most demanding. Some of them are 75-90% cocoa! And even though very little is usually used, the average cash, you might find in the candy store, maintain cocoa farmers around the world millions of tons ofBeans annually.

Cocoa is grown along the equator and experts generally classify the beans in three varieties: Forastero, Criollo and Trinitarian. You might be surprised to know how much variation exists among the three classic types. The fruity flavors of Jamaican and Brazilian beans with flavors of lighter chocolate beans grown throughout the Pacific Rim diversity is reflected in various features of the Indonesian region. In addition, all three hybrid species have beendeveloped in order to maintain consistency with the taste of candy manufacturers and consumer products standards palate. Fortunately, the difference is that the producers enjoyed maintain various types of beans, so the flavors can still be distinguished regional chocolates are sold in candy stores.

Candy store owners and manufacturers know that the beans from Ghana have a strong almost nutty flavor of roasted coffee. Another part of Africa is growing, Côte d'Ivoire cocoa Forastero more than any other place in theWorld, nearly 1.5 tons! These beans are often mixed with other beans to cocoa flavor and rich consistency. Venezuela produces complex chocolate taste spicy Criollo beans, Forastero but is now in this area.

Industry analysts figure that the variation of chocolate can kill a lot to score the confidence of customers in one, the beans are added increasingly attractive to new combinations and tastes appealing. But unexpected Climate change may also cause changes from one season to next season. Certain varieties Criollo, as need more water than the Trinitarian flourish, for example. Increasingly, the issue of sustainability will be improved because the area where most cocoa farms are at risk. Another controversial issue is fair trade.

Supporters of Fair Trade-maintain that so little money left to grow from the hard work of farmers, cocoa is actually paid by the conventional> Chocolate manufacturer. This is why promoting the smart brand chocolate for their efforts to pay their farmers a fair wage on every package. Sales support the cause. So if the core is slightly bitter cocoa taste or Peruvian beans soft and easy to turn down the Amazon, it seems that the candy store buyers to know the origins of their beans even when taste the regional specialties. So if you impress your partner with gifts, as well as delicacybit 'of cultural knowledge to try the chocolate next time.

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