Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Disney Hints

A Disney vacation is an unforgettable, awesome experience to have with friends and family. If you are not prepared before leaving for your trip, you could really miss out on some very practical tips that could save you from a great amount of stress. These Disney hints will help give you a better and a more enjoyable experience on your next Disney vacation.

Some great Disney hints for starters is if you are driving a car to the parks, as opposed to taking a shuttle bus, you need to know where you parked. The parking lot is massive to say the least and when you get there make sure you write down what zone you parked in (example of a parking zone would be Goofy 25). One night I saw a family looking for their car. They didn't seem to have a clue where it was. Fortunately Disney has drivers that patrol the parking lot that can help, but it could still take hours before you find your car. After a long day at the park the last thing you want to do is look for your car. Some more practical Disney hints would be to bring an umbrella and a rain poncho. You never know when a rain cloud could pop up and soak all your stuff. When it's crowded at the park, and it usually is, finding shelter can be very difficult, so just remember to be prepared so you won't have a soggy wet, frustrating day.

Some other Disney hints would be to wear a money belt while you are at the parks. This will prevent pick-pocketers from stealing your money and other important materials like your tickets, driver's license, and credit cards. Also bring some quart and gallon sized zip lock bags for your important stuff that you don't want wet when you ride the wet rides at the parks.

Dining at Disney can be very expensive and at times time consuming. Some great dining Disney hints are to bring your own drinks into the park. Just make sure you don't bring in any glass containers. Bringing in your own drinks can greatly cut down on costs especially on a hot day when you want to replenish the fluids. Another great tip is to eat when most of the crowd isn't. Pick times that are a bit unusual, maybe eat lunch at 2:00 and dinner at 8:00. Or just pack a meal or two for the family and take it in the park. Saves you time and money! Another way to avoid the long restaurant lines is to eat during the parades if you don't care to see them. The restaurants are usually less crowded. So hopefully these Disney hints help, they sure helped me.

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