Monday, August 9, 2010

Chocolate Feast - Italian Style

The health benefits, aphrodisiac qualities and incomparable taste of chocolate have been passionately defended for centuries. And if there is one thing that all chocolate lovers agree, is the pure pleasure of eating becomes in its myriad forms.

Cocoa has been used worldwide candies to create a legacy of generations of cooks, cakes and pastries, truffles, drinks and desserts are wonderful, and I will start the chocolate Introductionwith the cake. Why not try to impress cake of a grandfather (Grandpa's Cake) to your guests? These are not for the faint of heart, are neither hot puddings, which are rich indulgence, and is suitable only for chocolate demons more difficult.

If you get something better than anyone else, chocolates, you need to know to make sure that they are homemade. Truffles and sweets are the ultimate sin, so you can do a little 'decadent chocolate truffle in Italian- It's up to you to decide whether to give away ...


This classic truffle recipe is very rich and dense, and require the most qualified chocolate you can afford. For true lovers of truffles, mix a little honey truffle or a fall in real truffle oil in the mix - the combination is delicious. Break the chocolate into small pieces and placed in a / Pyrex China Basin. Fit the bowl into the edge of a pot so thatsuspended above the boiling water. Easy Stir until melted and remove everything from the pan. Beat butter, egg yolks, liqueur and truffle honey, if using. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour or until September

Sift some cocoa onto a plate. With a teaspoon, scoop the chocolate mixture in large heaps chilled, in the form of a gnarled truffle form in hand, and then fall in cocoa. Roll around until it is completely covered and put on baking sheets. Layerin an airtight container between sheets of baking paper and refrigerate for up to five days or freeze up to a month.

150 g dark chocolate (60-70 per cent cocoa)

100 g unsalted butter, diced

1 egg yolk

Mozart Black Chocolate Liqueur or 2 tablespoons

Creme de Cacao Dark

1 teaspoon honey truffle, or a drop of real truffle oil (optional)

bitter cocoa powder.

Torta del Nonno (grandfather Cake)

All inItaly knows that this fabulous cake, filled with chocolate cream and whipped cream crowned with crunchy pine nuts. The smell is so impressive when you cook in Italy, people seem like magic in my kitchen trying to deal with this rich.

To mix the dough, cream butter and sugar in a large bowl until fluffy with an electric mixer. Beat in egg yolks, orange peel, vanilla sugar and salt. Mix the flour until almost. Transfer to a lightly floured work surfaceSurface and knead gently stir smooth. Divide into two parts - a bit 'bigger than the other. Form of discs, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Roll out the larger part of the cake as thin as possible and use the route cake. The whole mixture with a fork and freeze for at least 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 190 ° C / Gas mark the fifth line the tart with aluminum foil or waxed paper, parchment paper with beans and bake 15 minutes to fill blind.Remove the foil and baking beans and return to oven for 10 minutes to dry. Remove from oven and leave. Leave the oven.
Meanwhile, the chocolate cream, heat the milk with the chocolate in a large pan. If it's just to boil, remove from heat. egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl, mix the flour and cocoa. Whisk the chocolate milk warm. Bring pour the mixture into the pan and heat gently,Stirring, until starting to thicken. Once it reaches a boil very slowly, simmer for 2 minutes, stirring, then the vanilla extract. Pour into the cooled cake and let cool case.

Roll the remaining dough into a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the cake. Brush edge of pastry with beaten egg yolk and cover the filling with the dough circle, pressed firmly against the edges cooked, then cut the excess away. Brush the dough with egg yolkand sprinkle over the pine nuts. Make a few air holes in the top. Bake for 1 hour, then remove from oven and cool completely. Icing sugar and serve.

For 8

2 egg yolks, beaten, to glaze

4-6 tablespoons pine nuts

Icing sugar, to dust


175g butter, soft

100g golden caster sugar

2 egg yolks

grated rind of 1 unwaxed orange

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

A pinch of salt


Chocolate filling

600ml milk

50g dark chocolate (60-70 per cent cocoa), finely chopped

2 egg yolks

75g grams of sugar

1 tablespoon flour, corn flour or potato starch

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

2.1 tsp vanilla extract

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