Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is Chocolate Really Healthier Than it is Delicious?

Chocolate for your health?

While "sweets fats & oils" are low on the food pyramid, soon, they might want to take another look at chocolate. As this natural product from the cacao bean is studied further, it seems like only more good aspects come to light! Chocoholics may have a reason to rejoice, but that doesn't mean just any chocolate will do, if you want to use it for anti-aging, insulin-sensitizing and fighting off heart disease. If you're firmly in the 'vanilla camp' by all means, skip over this article because you're about to learn just how amazing this delicious food really is!

The story of chocolate started long ago, with the native people of South America. You probably learned in history class how the ancient Aztec kings would drink up to 10 cups of cocoa-water a day, hoping it would lead to immortality. While it clearly didn't perform miracles, it was delicious and did help their health. The story continues up to this day, with a discovery on San Blas Island. The people who live there drink many cups of cocoa each day, and when they were studied, they were found to have extremely low incidences of common maladies like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease. But don't just take my word for it, use Google to look up words like "San Blas Island" and "American Journal Clinical Nutrition" as they've written up studies on the subject.

If you want to skip the studies, it's time to cut to the chase on chocolate.

Why is it so good for you?

Chocolate is loaded with anti-oxidants. These special substances fight free-radical damage in the body. Free radicals are caused by oxidization (you, breathing) pollution or chemicals (it's everywhere) and the regular metabolism of foods, as well as exercise. The more anti-oxidants you have, the better you are at stopping free-radical damage and fighting off signs of aging. But just how much is inside chocolate? Blueberries (and other dark berries) are widely publicized for their anti-oxidant properties...but dark chocolate has 12 times the ORAC value of blueberries! What is ORAC? (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) it's a statistic that the US Dept. of Agriculture judged.

Second, chocolate contains magnesium. Magnesium not only helps you sleep better, helps you absorb calcium from food better, and helps your heart-health, it also works for your immune system too. Chocolate is one of the easiest natural sources of magnesium. Brazil Nuts also have it, but how common are those? And what if you don't like them?

Third, it helps with insulin sensitivity. Insensitivity can lead to diabetes, so you want all the sensitivity you can get. Proper blood sugar regulation also helps you maintain steady energy throughout the day. Along with this comes the ability to lower blood pressure and increase vascular health. After all, the big cocoa-drinkers on San Blas have a super low rate of heart disease, and their cocoa is the key.

In researching, you might find that Mars (they make M&Ms and other candies) put up money for scientists to study chocolate. Of course, they would love it if they could find a way for their tasty products to be good for people too. So why didn't you hear about the study? Because it found that dark, unsweetened chocolate is what works. NOT candy bars, milk chocolate, white chocolate, or sugary sweets. The sugar in sweets causes inflammation and an insulin reaction, so it's not going to help you. The study results may have disappointed the company, but it can still benefit you!

How much do you need to eat per day?

Only about 2 teaspoons (that's not much at all!) will give you a beneficial level of all the wonders cocoa has in store. The best type to get, is the lowest sugar possible chocolate. Sugar-free cocoa (also called baking cocoa, bitter chocolate) is ideal, especially if you choose an organic brand. This is JUST cocoa, with nothing else added. Be sure to avoid "Dutch Process" and "Special Dark" varieties as they have been treated, and that removes some of the benefits.

How can you eat it?

Asking a chocolate lover how to eat chocolate may seem a little silly, but when you're looking at 2 teaspoons per day, for as long as possible, it can become a task. Since it's sugar-free, you can't just expect to mix it into milk or water and have something you'll like. There are plenty of ways to get your 2 teaspoons of health-power per day, when you know about another natural secret: Stevia. Stevia is derived from the leaf of the stevia plant, but it looks like a white powder. It tastes VERY sweet, but it produces no insulin response. It's also natural and safe, unlike artificial sweeteners. With it, you can sweeten without sugar & inflammation. Now you can add the cocoa to milk, coffee, energy shakes, plain yogurt, and so much more without having to worry if it will taste 'bitter'.

If you want a mini-recipe that will power up your energy levels, keep you feeling full AND deliver a powerful punch of pure healthiness, try the following mixture:

1 single-serving cup of plain, sugar-free, fat-free plain yogurt (6 oz)

and stir in either 4, 5 or 6 teaspoons of unsweetened, pure cocoa powder,

along with about 1/8th teaspoon stevia (up to 1/4 tsp, to taste)

and 2 or more teaspoons of chia seeds

Mix well, and you've got enough for two days. (that is, if you can resist the tasty treat for that long!) What do the chia seeds do? They keep you feeling full longer, add calcium, complete protein, and B-vitamins to the mix. They also have more magnesium and are loaded with soluble & insoluble fiber. Don't worry about tasting them, either, they have no flavor of their own, so you won't even notice them. Not only is this mixture delicious and super-good for you, it's also very inexpensive to make. You can spend a bundle on designer yogurts that are loaded with sugar...or you can mix up this simple treat and enjoy all the healthy benefits it conveys.

If there was ever something easy and tasty to do for your health, adding cocoa to your diet is surely at the top of the list! How will you use this to improve your health? Are you ready for more healthy tips and recipes?

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The Italian Kitchen

The team recreate their famous Chocolate Nemesis as well as a deliciously light almond and strawberry tart. They make two sorbets; an intense chocolate and a zestful raspberry.

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Coupon For IHOP - The Way to Cheaper Breakfasts

If you are looking for IHOP coupons you might have solved one part of the equation already. You most certainly like their pancakes and realized that these deals are not once in a while occasions and you can have a good deal every time you visit them. For those who know where to get them they don't take more than five minutes every time they head to town, others might spend a little more than that at first.

Ihop is a popular North American franchise network of breakfast restaurants. The common misconception of their business model comes from the full name of the company, International House of Pancakes. While you will be unable to find an IHOP anywhere in Europe, they certainly bring European tastes to the USA. There are dozens of different waffles and pancakes to try. If you like fruit pancakes, you will love Swedish style berry crepes or French style ones with lime. Trying Belgian chocolate waffles won't hurt either.

The company has started to focus on other parts of the daily meal offering other dishes, such as items for those who visit for a lunch or dinner. Time will tell if they succeed at expanding their portfolio, until then you can save some money on their breakfast offers, should you be well prepared every time.

It is easier to get an online coupon for IHOP than you'd think. There are websites made particularly for people who like to use these vouchers and share their own. You should choose a site that not only shows a list of the coupons you can have, but offer a way for users to discuss if they had luck with the particular offer or there is something wrong with it.

Finding the right site is just as easy as printing the final product, use your favorite search engine and look for the phrase "IHOP coupon". You'll see several and can try all of them. The best way to do so is to click one and see if you can find what you're looking for at the first glance. You should be able to see the comments and ratings too.

When you have the coupon check if your local IHOP restaurant participates in it, and if it is still valid. Scrutinize other parts of the paper, too, make sure you're familiar with the conditions and limitations so that you don't end up in an embarrassing situation when you try to use it.

Color printer is suggested because it makes the paper look more legit and nice, but the barcode reader couldn't care less about monochrome prints either.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Chocolate Origins

About 2000 years ago, the Mayan people were the first, so it is believed, to create chocolate, which they consumed as a beverage. It was also used by the Aztecs and later, was introduced to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors, where it became especially popular at the Spanish royal court.

The chocolate drink of the Mayans and Aztecs was not sweet, as is popular today. These early chocolate drinkers seasoned their beverage with chili peppers, vanilla and various other ingredients, making a frothy, spicy, bitter drink, which was served cold and was thought to have medicinal properties. This was most likely due to the mood enhancing properties of the theobromine and caffeine in the chocolate.

In 1528, Hernan Cortes, having comprehensively conquered Montezuma's Aztec warriors, returned to Spain, taking precious cocoa beans with him. The beverage became immensely popular among the Spanish aristocracy. The common people could not really afford the chocolate, as it was expensive to import it from South America, where the cocoa beans grew.

The cocoa beans began to be commercially imported in the late 1500s. The European aristocracy began to modify the drink, preferring to sweeten the brew with sugar, and leave out the chili pepper. They added vanilla and cinnamon to make it spicy, and they served it hot. The first "Chocolate House" opened in 1657, selling this luxury beverage to the rich and famous.

Towards the end of the 1600s, it was found that adding milk to the hot chocolate made it more palatable. In the early 1800s it was discovered that the cocoa powder could be separated from the cocoa butter in the cocoa beans, which led to the creation of chocolate in bar form by the combining of cocoa powder with small amounts of the rich cocoa butter. Thus, milk chocolate was born, and was made in varying flavours, such as dark bitter-sweet, or white chocolate.

Today, there are endless variations to suit any taste, and chocolate in all its many forms remains extremely popular. Indeed, how much less sweet the world would be without it

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The Watchmakers Apprentice by The Clockwork Quartet

Click here for lyrics and click lyrics.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Phillip Island Chocolate Factory, Victoria, Australia

Phillip Island Chocolate Factory is the sweetest tourist attraction on the Island. See our chocolates being hand made. We use only Belgian chocolate, the best available. It's creamy texture and slight hint of vanillin is exceptionally mouth watering. Only the finest ingredients are used in creating our chocolates. Also see frozen bananas dipped in chocolate while you wait.

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Slovak Castles - 7 Castles in Slovakia That You Should Make a Point of Visiting

Slovakia is a land full of culture and history and the many magnificent Slovak castles that you are able to visit are a testament to this.

This is a look at seven of the most impressive ones in Slovakia and reasons why you should make a point of going to visit them.

1). Spis

Spis Castle is one of the largest in Central Europe, with an area of over 4 ha.  In 1993, it was included in UNESCO's World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.  Today, it houses the Spis Museum and offers superb views of the surrounding countryside.

2). Orava

Orava Castle, in Northern Slovakia, is one of the most well known in the country, with people coming from all around the world to admire its historic and aesthetic values. A guided tour in English is well worth the admission fee, and includes a demonstration by medieval hawkers and a sword fight between knights. Those of you that venture to the top towers, will enjoy a stunning view over the River Orava.

3). Bojnice

Bojnice Castle is one of the most well known historical monuments in Slovakia and is certainly one of the most beautiful.  The fairy-tale castle houses art and historical expositions all year round. There is also a falconry in the grounds and the country's oldest lime tree.  However, it is the cultural activities, such as the International Ghost and Spirit festival, which make it a must see attraction.

4). Trencin

Trencin Castle overlooks the city of Trencin from a high rocky headland. Owned by Trencin Museum, it displays a number of interesting exhibitions.  Engraved into the rock it sits on is an inscription by the Roman army, which dates back to 179 AD.

5).  Cachtice

As any vampire enthusiast will tell you, Cachtice Castle is infamous for being the home of the Blood Countess, Elizabeth Bathori.  According to legend, she bathed in the blood of virgins to preserve her youth.  In reality, the Countess was one of the biggest serial killers in history, torturing and murdering over 600 women from nearby villages.  Knowing the history behind it, this ruin is well worth a visit.

6).  Devin

Situated on the Danube, 5 miles to the west of Bratislava, Devin castle is only a stone throw away from Austria.  It was destroyed in 1809 by Napolean's army, and today lies in ruins.  There is a memorial to Ludovit Stur there, who fought for Slovak independence from Hungary and made Devin Castle a symbol of Slovakia's past.

7). Bratislava

Often referred to as an upside-down table, Bratislava Castle certainly has a unique design, which is unmistakable.  Parts are open to the public, containing exhibitions from the Slovak National Museum, which are well worth checking out.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Magic Of Chocolate

Do you want to win your girl's heart? Gift her a chocolate! Girls are very fond of chocolate.

Chocolate is a very good mood booster. It can bring a smile on your face even when you are angry or sad. Moreover, chocolate is known to boost up the sexual desire as well.

It is much better than a tranquilizer. It has been scientifically proven that chocolate is good for aged men and women. It has been suggested that chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disorders.
It is also good for those who suffer from sleeping disorders.

Since ages, chocolate is considered to be a symbol of love and friendship.

No doubt, chocolate is the best gift and it can be gifted on any occasion. It can be gifted on Valentine's Day, Christmas, Friendship Day or on a birthday.

There are several kinds of chocolate. The main ones are as follows:

o 'Truffle' has a smooth center full of cocoa and ganache butter. The outside is just chocolate.

o 'Pave Glace' is 75% dark chocolate. But, it is soft and squishy. In my view, this is the best chocolate you can ever get to taste.

o 'Cherry Liquor' contains a real cherry dipped in chocolate sauce.

o 'Praline' chocolate is any chocolate that has nuts.

o 'Milk chocolate' has only 50% dark chocolate. Rest is made out of cocoa beans and sugar.

o 'Caprice' contains hazelnut paste and milk chocolate. It has praline covered in dark chocolate.

No matter what kind of chocolate you end up buying, it will definitely show you the magic of its taste.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Guide to 5 Fun Things to Do in Jamaica

Reggae and relaxation, with liberal doses of rum, are the images that come to mind when one thinks of Jamaica. Colourful and vibrant, the Caribbean island has a gentle pace of life, where the locals are known to be fun loving and friendly. So what does one do for fun in Jamaica?

1. Firstly, explore. Jamaica is steeped in history, and colonial traces still exist within its confines. The old capital, Spanish Town, is well worth a visit, with some of the mansions made of red-brick still standing. The city and its monuments stand proudly, defying the onslaught of time.

2. Secondly, adventure lovers will find hiking in the Blue Mountains an exciting experience. There is a veritable catacomb of trails that lead to the summits, some of them even towering at 7,000 feet. Giving the range its name, the mists that swirl around the peaks have hints of blue. Nature lovers will be able to see flora and abundant fauna, with around 200 species of birds inhabiting the terrain. Other natural formations such as the limestone caves can be found on the island's northern shore. These imposing edifices wrought by nature's hand are truly a sight to behold. One can choose to explore the underground lake within it and drift along the river on a raft, taking in sights and smells of the nearby plantations.

3. Those who wish to relieve the accumulated stress of everyday activities will find many solutions on the island. The Milk River Spa is said to have beneficial effects on the human system. In 1794, the naturally-radioactive waters were found to have curative effects. Taking a quick plunge into the waters is guaranteed to raise the relaxation levels of any individual, gently massaging away tensions.

4. Montego Bay is another fun place to visit on the island. It has gorgeous pristine beaches, with a quaint Doctor's Cave Beach as well. The beach first received its name from a doctor who frequently visited the beach, entering the beach via the cave.

5. Another activity not to be missed out by on the island is scuba diving. Jamaica, by the virtue of been surrounded by oceans and coral reefs, has a profusion of exotic aquatic life, thriving beneath the smooth surface of the ocean. Scuba divers can swim alongside the magnificent creatures of the deep, like nurse sharks or upside-down jellyfish. The reefs are home to many kinds of fish, and one may even be able to spot snapper and tobacco fish swimming in their natural habitats.

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The four acme - I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)

1965 Album: Four tops second album

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Limp Bizkit - Hold On

Limp Bizkit Track 13 - Hold On Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Milkchocolate truffles

Milkchocolate truffles coated with chocolate flakes

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5 Sweet Tips For Using Your Chocolate Fountain

Been to a party recently? Bet it featured a chocolate fountain on the dessert table. Now that you've tasted the fun, you are probably excited about hosting a chocolate fountain at your next shin-dig. But unless you are an experienced user of these towers of decadence, your dessert table and your guests are likely to be covered in a deliciously sticky mess. Here are a few tips to keep the chocolate flowing and the tablecloth clean.

1. Freeze the food ahead of time so the chocolate will harden immediately. You can freeze fresh fruit such as strawberries, banana chunks, pineapple chunks and seedless grapes. Throw in a little mango for something more exotic.

2. Prepare for drips. If you prefer not to freeze your food items, better be prepared for plenty of "oops" and "oh-no's". The best thing to do is to use a pretty plastic tablecloth to cover the food table, and set out plenty of small dishes and napkins for your guests. A basket filled with "wet wipes" never hurts. Even if you do freeze the food, accidents are going to happen. By planning for them, you and your guests will be able to relax and enjoy the party.

3. Put out some small spoons. Some foods aren't really meant to be dipped and do better if your guests can spoon a little chocolate over their pound cake, sponge cake, or lady fingers. This will keep the crumbs out of the chocolate, allowing it to function properly.

4. Choose the right kind of chocolate. If you are offering naturally sweet foods like marshmallows and fruit, stick to dark or semi-dark chocolate. You might offer a second fountain filled with milk chocolate for less sugary foods like pretzels. If you can't offer separate fountains, try mixing equal parts dark and milk chocolate to make a yummy blended chocolate that goes well with everything. White chocolate is always a decadent hit and is expected at the more sophisticated events like weddings and black-tie social gatherings.

5. Don't be shy. Put up signs that remind guests of "no fingers please and "no double dipping". Excited party guests can forget their manners. Help them out by supplying plenty of cocktail toothpicks and bamboo skewers for appropriate dipping. Having the right dipping implements will also reduce drips and accidents.

Follow these five tips, but then use your imagination to get the most out of your chocolate fountain. Let the dipping begin!

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Discoteca Chocolate Historia 1980-2001

Pocas cosas habrá tan difíciles como resumir en 10 minutos la historia de esta mítica sala valenciana. Son muchos los recuerdos, muchas las noches enteras bailando al son de buena música, incontables horas y momentos que me arriesgué a resumir en 10 minutos, antes que permitir que no tubieran un sitio en este medio de difusión masivo. He aquí mi tributo a la que fue mi segunda casa durante la adolescencia y su historia hasta el año 2001. No digas 'sábado' di 'chocolate'. PD. Las fechas no tienen concordancia directa con las imágenes mostradas sino con la música.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Visit the Saronic Gulf Islands Whilst in Athens on Your Greece Holidays

During the summer months in Athens you may find the heat stifling on some days. This is a perfect opportunity to escape the city and take advantage of the nearby islands in the Saronic Gulf. Pirius, the port of Athens give access via its regular ferry services to the many island of the Saronic Gulf and it is even possible to fit in two or three in one day if you set off early in the morning. There are many islands to explore but following are three of my favourites.

Aegina is one the largest of the Saronic Gulf Islands, with a population of around 13,500 people over 34 square miles. It is comparatively suburban in contrast to many of the other islands, with a popular party atmosphere at the weekends. Perhaps despite this, it is still an exceptionally picturesque island and has many sightseeing opportunities such as Nektarios Church, a pilgrim destination for the sick similar to Lourdes (but without the hordes of tourists) or the domineering extinct volcano, Mount Oros.

Paros acts as a central hub for some of the smaller islands but is well worth a visit in itself. Despite some signs of tourism, Paros retains much of its authentic 'greekness' which will be a welcome relief for Greece holiday makers. Sites of interest are well sign-posted making Paros a joy to explore whilst the white, sandy beaches are kept in pristine and litter free.

Despite being relatively large, Hydra has a very small population of around 3,000 people, most of whom live in the main town of Hydra. In many ways, Hydra is very similar to the Italian island of Capri - no cars, few sandy beaches but a peaceful and quiet retreat (which is perhaps why it is, as with Capri, popular with celebrities). Hydra presents an opportunity for the Greece holidays maker to reflect and unwind and escape the chaos of modern life.

Whilst these islands could very well be the main focus of your Greek holiday I strongly recommend, at the very least, setting aside one or two days during your holiday in Greece to explore these islands.

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Delicious Chocolate Cupcakes

Just hearing the words chocolate cupcakes makes your mouth start to water. There is no one kind of chocolate cake, the variety is endless. Different fillings, toppings and additional flavours contribute towards making a great cup cake. Of course the ingredients are the most important part towards making a great cupcake and not just a normal 'cake'.


You can great chocolate cupcake from cocoa powder, but this is no where near as tasty as using 'real' chocolate. There are luxury varieties of cocoa powder, but they still don't match up to the real thing.

There are many varieties of chocolate the most popular being dark chocolate. Even if your not a fan of dark chocolate, the bitterness is taken away using the other ingredients, giving a rich taste. Cooking chocolate is very often used for it is specialised for the job, but Belgian is always a favourite. Belgian chocolate cupcakes have a much richer flavour and you can taste the luxury ingredients.

To make your cup cakes extra special you can use muscovado sugar. This has a stronger flavour and compliments a cocoa flavour. Cream can also be added to some recipes and even liqueur.

Types & Flavours

There is far more to the cupcake than just a flavour. Chocolate can have many hints added to it for a start. For example orange, mint, fudge, strawberry, lemon, brandy and coffee. These could be added to the mixture itself or as a topping.

Icing is an easy way to add that extra flavour or colour. It can also make you cupcakes look more tempting and luxurious. There are some great examples of chocolate cupcakes around to give you inspiration and ideas. Some types of icing include frosting, butter cream, fondant, fudge and glace icing. Extra decoration such as sugar curls and shapes give that extra special trust.

You can also add extras through fillings. Chocolate chips being a widely used solution in all varieties including white and milk. Truffle fillings are little more different, where you add double cream and brandy to the inside of the mixture. You can also take on mini versions of cakes such as Victoria sandwich and fudge cake. They are perfect for parties, or when you need a variety for many people. Some people even use them for wedding cakes!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chocolate Gift - A Most Delicious and Memorable Gift

It is a known fact that everyone has craving for chocolate. It can be senior citizens, adults, teenagers, or children. Almost everyone loves chocolates, as it is a symbol of love. Love is very sweet and the feeling is hard to explain, thus chocolates are given to convey the message.

If someone asks how chocolate tastes, the answer is obvious. It tastes sweet. However, many other things taste sweet such as cake, but chocolate taste is very different and unique. This is the reason for its success as best symbol of love.

Chocolates are considered as best gifts not only for love, but also for every occasion. It is not only is inexpensive and quiet easily available. It has the ability of making anyone smile from adults to children.

Chocolate is the best gift for someone special, as it makes the moment special.

Chocolate gift box includes either single flavored chocolates or different flavor chocolates such as:  dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolates that contain fruits, nuts and almonds. There are also chocolates available of various flavors like caramel or raspberry.

The main reason for this product being famous is the factor of being presentable. You can wrap chocolates easily or gift them in a box. Even a simple and single piece of chocolate works wonders.

Choose your favourite chocolate bar and simply tying a ribbon to it makes the chocolate more presentable and day becomes quiet memorable. Once smile on the face of your special person will make your day! This is more than enough to explain why chocolates are special for every occasion and moment.

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No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake Bars - Mark Bittman makes no-bake blueberry cheesecake bars.

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EL COCINERO FIEL XXI - Brownies (otro postre)

Más en 50 g de harina 100 g de mantequilla 75 g de chocolate con más de un 50% de cacao 200 g de moreno 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla 10 g de levadura en polvo 100 g de nueces picadas 2 huevos 50 g de virutas de chocolate 50 g de coco rallado 1 pellizco de sal

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Karuan - reflections of a composition feat. odditeee

From the Album "Pop Arif". It´s great!

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Eat Dark Chocolate Over Other Kinds

Ask anyone what their favorite guilty pleasure is, and the overwhelming response will be chocolate. We just can't get enough of the stuff; milk, white, fruity, we love all of it. All we need now is a healthy chocolate do we can enjoy it without the guilt.

Well guess what? There is one. Although we know that chocolate has benefits such as Antioxidants and vitamins, there is stuff in there that isn't so good for us.

The thing is we mess about with our chocolate something rotten. We get the basic product then add loads of other stuff to it, such as extra butter, sugar, milk solids etc which enhance the flavor but make it very fattening. Dark chocolate, however, doesn't have any of these added, but there is one more thing to think about.

Our bodies do not recognize chocolate as food, weird huh? Eat a bar of chocolate on its own and your body will pick up on the sugar etc and just store it, and the minerals and vitamins won't be absorbed.

It's a little known fact that dark chocolate has a very high iron content; so a perfect complement is food such a blueberries which are rich in vitamin C. This balances the nutrition and makes sure that your body absorbs the iron from the chocolate properly, and tastes delicious at the same time.

But if you take in other stuff such as fruit or nuts at the same time it will then treat the chocolate as food and you will then get the benefits. When I worked as a chocolatier I regularly consumed dark chocolate with all manner of fruits; in particular berries and nuts. A blood test showed that my levels of vitamins and minerals were perfect and I didn't gain any weight.

So you now know which chocolate to eat if you can't do without it. Forget the fat laden milk chocolate bars and reach for a dark chocolate with fruit and nuts and enjoy your treat without the guilt. One last thing, just because you know it's healthier doesn't mean you can pig out, be sensible!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

70's & 80's Disco Music - Parte 3

Grandes Clássicos dos anos 70 e 80: - Sister Sledge - We Are Family - Michael Jackson - Rock With You - Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing - Jennifer Warnes & Bill Madley - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life - Kool & The Gang - Cherish - MFSB - The Sound Of Philadelphia - Patrick Hernandez - Born To Be Alive - Palyer - Baby Come Back - Dire Straits - Walk Of Life - Tina Charles - I Love To Love - Human League - Don't Want Me - Jimmi Bo Horne - Dance Across The Floor - Amii Stewart - Knock On Wood - Baltimora - Tarzan Boy - Michael Jackson - Beat It - Donna Summer - Hot Stuff - Berlin - Take My Breath Away - ABBA - Money, Money, Money - Glenn Medeiros - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You - Village People - YMCA - Hiey Lewis & The News - Power Love - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up - Weather Girls - It's Raning Men

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ブリュッセルの服屋さん『good vib's store』でDJしてきちゃいました☆ ベルギーと言えばチョコレート。チョコレートと言えば、これしかないでしょ!"Belgian" Chocolate Disco!!!

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Street Sommelier w/ Gary Vaynerchuk: VendrTV

In this jam packed episode of VendrTV, Dan teams up with internet wine superstar Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library TV where the two cruise the streets of Manhattan pairing wine with street food. On our first stop we were joined by Zach Brooks of at Kwik Meal, a cart which recently won MTL's Street Meat Palooza 2. Gary threw a fast ball, pairing the platter with a 2008 Premiado Torrontes. Then it was off to meet up with Jerome Chang of The Dessert Truck. There we sampled his award winning chocolate bread pudding, as well as my favorite, the warm chocolate molten cake. Quick on his feet, Gary whipped out a 2006 Tohu Pinot Noir, which paired perfectly with the sweets. Enjoy! VendrTV is a weekly show on the Hungry Nation food network that showcases the best street food around the world. Host Daniel Delaney interviews the best street vendors about their recipes and tastes their delicious cooking. Hungry Nation - Real People. Real Food. Website: VendrTV Facebook VendrTV Twitter: Hungry Nation Twitter:

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R. Kelly - Ignition

Music video by R. Kelly performing Ignition. (C) 2003 Zomba Recording LLC

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Belgian Bonios

In the kitchen with The Belgiummese Contingency!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Simple Ganache Recipes - Chocolate Spread (Smaller Batch)

Using one of my ganache recipes why not make your own delicious chocolate spread?

Nothing could be much simpler - and it is delicious eaten with home-made bread.

(This article is for a small batch.)

All ganache recipes require the best ingredients you can afford. Because there are few ingredients and the recipe is simple, you can taste the quality of everything.

Ingredients needed:

For every gram (g) of dark cooking chocolate (bittersweet - if you're in the USA) you will need a millilitre (ml) of double (heavy) cream.

So if you want to try making one chocolate bar's worth, weigh it first.

Supermarket Belgian dark cooking chocolate often comes in 70g bars. So for that quantity you will need 70ml of double cream.

Here's how you make chocolate spread

1. Take a bar of dark cooking chocolate weighing 70g and break it up into little pieces. You can chop it gently with a knife on a sheet of paper placed on a board and then pick up the paper to pour all the chopped bits into a bowl.
2. Heat the double cream until it just starts to simmer.
3. Pour the very hot cream over the dark chocolate.
4. Stir briefly so that the cream comes into contact with all the chocolate.
5. Leave for 15 minutes.
6. Stir again until mixture is smooth. (So far, this is the same as most ganache recipes.)
7. Pour into a jar and let it cool. (It will still be runny)
8. Cover with film and store in the fridge overnight.
9. Take out of the fridge and admire.
10. You should have a jar of beautifully set dark chocolate spread!

Note: If your fridge runs very cold, you may have to let the dark chocolate spread come up to room temperature before trying to spread it on your bread.

Like all ganache recipes, this is simple and good - but definitely a special treat.

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Chocolate - Eat it, Gift it, Decorate With It

Chocolate is truly a gift from the Gods. You can eat it, gift it, and decorate with it. These little roasted cocoa beans are amazingly versatile, good for your health, and always make you smile. Its uses seem to be endless.

To process the beans they pick them, ferment them, roast them, and then grind them up, creating a paste (chocolate liquor). Then it is hardened into blocks of bitter chocolate (used in baking), or treated by pressing out some of the cocoa butter, dried, and smashed into a cocoa powder. To make the good stuff we love to eat, more cocoa butter is added as well as sugar, for dark chocolate, and milk solids to turn it into milk chocolate.

There are too many ways to eat it to even begin to list them all. Used in cooking it can be a mole sauce, as a dessert, dip fresh fruit in it, dried figs and apricots, or bake zillions of delicious cakes, cookies, muffins, and tortes. Drink it hot when it is chilly outside, pop marshmallows in it for fun, or drink it cold. Snack on candy bars, bonbons, or mixed chocolates that contain fruit, nuts, caramel...

Chocolate makes a wonderful gift, for people of all ages. Wrap it up with a red bow and you have proclaimed your love to a sweetheart on Valentine's Day. Molded into the shape of a bunny, a chicken, or an egg, and popped into their Easter baskets, it delights your children. Stuff it into their Christmas stockings for a treat after opening presents.

Have you been invited to dinner at a friend's house? You don't want to bring them wine, she is allergic to flowers, so what do you do? Bring a box of chocolates; perhaps those wonderful minty after dinner chocolates! You and your friends are having a get together "girlie" talk. Nothing will make the problems go away as easily as a box of good chocolates.

But that isn't all. Chocolate is full of antioxidants, which help to prevent cancer. It also releases the endorphins in the brain, easing your stress and anxiety, and making you feel happier. Yes, it is high in saturated fats, but two thirds of the fat is not the bad kind. Dark chocolate is better for you than the milk chocolate.

We really need to thank the Aztecs and the Mayans for introducing us to the versatile world of chocolate. We eat it, gift it, and yes, even decorate with it. At Christmas you hang chocolate Santas, angels, and bells from your Christmas tree. Who can entertain without a candy dish filled with chocolates artfully placed on an end table? Holiday centerpieces with molded chocolate shapes can make your theme pop...and you can eat them later!

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Globe Trekker - Ultimate UK

Globe Trekker travelers Ian Wright, Megan McCormick, Jonathan Atherton, and Justine Shapiro travel the length and breadth of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to experience the best of the countries' heritage, history, nature, festivals, food and drink and eccentric traditions! Our team start off by looking at the monarchy in different periods of England's history; Ian visits Windsor Castle whilst Jonathan learns about the bloody and gory past of the Tower of London. Next Ian learns about aristocratic schooling at Eton - England's poshest school and Princes William and Harry's alma mater - while Justine meets the eccentric Marquis of Bath at his grand residence, Longleat House. Justine then travels to one of the oldest and most remarkable landmarks in England, Stonehenge. Dating back 5000 years no-one knows how or why this giant stone formation was created. What is indisputable is that it is awe inspiring! She also visits a re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, one of the most defining moments of English history when the French were victorious over the English. Meanwhile, Ian takes part in a re-enactment of a different sort - medieval jousting - before checking out Canterbury Cathedral, the site of the bloody murder of Thomas Beckett. Megan and Justine catch one of England's most celebrated festivals, Bonfire Night, when Guy Fawkes' unsuccessful gunpowder plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament is remembered. Ian witnesses spectacular fireworks and ...

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Hadise - (Ain't No) Love Lost [Official Music Video]

The Offcial Music Video. Wonderful. Amazing. Just Hadise.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Thankful For Chocolate Truffles

I'm so thankful that it's turkey and chocolate truffles month! Thanksgiving is my favorite all-American holiday. When else can you stuff yourself silly with a feast that might include some veggies and turkey, but most definitely offers mounds of rich desserts? And, it's considered a good thing - a tribute to those fun-loving Europeans who came over and partied with the Wampanoag Indians on this day.

Arnold Schwarzenegger loves this holiday, too, perhaps due to his fun-loving European background. He's been quoted as saying, "I love Thanksgiving turkey... it's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts." He might even be more fun than the Puritans who ate turkey and corn, and I believe chocolate truffles, at the original Thanksgiving table.

Since there was no Thanksgiving Day football game or Macy's parade when all this got started, they focused totally on food. Chocolate truffles were everywhere! They used them to decorate the top of the pumpkin pies; dropped them in their champagne-filled flutes; squished them between slices of warm bread (thus making the first pain au chocolat); and mixed them with their bowls of popcorn to munch on during the turkey races.

I'm proud to say we continue all those chocolate truffle traditions in my family except, being city dwellers; we don't have any turkeys to race. My Uncle Milton has his own tradition that I'd like to put a stop to. I'm thinking about gluing some truffles to the seat of my dress so when he goes for his annual grope - surprise! He might get mad, but so what? I think he'd enjoy dinner at Arnie's better anyway. They could gaze at those big, natural breasts together.

Sorry, I fear I've digressed. This is about thanksgiving, an exercise in personal development we are all reminded of at this time of year. However, I happen to be a very thankful person year round. I always say, 'thanks for last night,' 'thanks for the Lexus,' etc. But I'm especially thankful (and not afraid to show it) when I receive a beautiful box of chocolate truffles. To me, those bite-sized babies are worth their weight in gold.

I've been told that the true measure of a person's thanksgiving nature is when you can be just as thankful for someone else's gifts as you are for those bestowed upon yourself. That's kind of a tough one for me. But I'm working on it and want to take this occasion to tell you all that I hope you get tons of chocolate truffles to go with your turkey. And, I'm going to include that when we go around the table at our house to say what each of us is thankful for. Really, is there any better way to show the family what kind of person I am? Mmmm, I think not. So, thank you for giving me something else to give thanks for. I'm also adding Black Friday to my list - the perfect day for stocking up on chocolate truffles for Christmas gifts.

Hope to see you at the mall!

(P.S. For anyone naïve enough to believe all the above is true --- it's not! But, I'd like to talk to you after dinner.)

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gourmet Chocolate Bar Favors

Edible favors are one of the most popular types of favors whether for a wedding, shower, birthday, or other celebration. And out of all edible favors, chocolate favors are the most beloved.

Sales continue to increase for chocolate candy bar favors thanks to personalized wrappers. These wrappers usually feature a color theme and images, as well as an area to include names and dates on the wrappers at the very least. Some allow you to go further and provide an actual message such as "Thanks for sharing this day with us" or "Bryan's Birthday Bash", etc. 

Companies that offer these personalized chocolate bar favors usually sell the fully assembled favor - meaning the candy bar with the wrapper already on. However, if you want to save money and are a 'Do-it-yourselfer' you may have the option to purchase only the wrapper. I've also seen individuals on sites such as offer wrappers only.

The vast majority of these favors use a Hershey® bar as the candy that the labels are wrapped around. And for most occasions - these candy bar favors are just fine. However, if you are hosting a more upscale celebration I highly recommend offering personalized label gourmet chocolate bar favors. The labels are essentially the same, but instead of being wrapped around a Hershey® bar, they are wrapped around a bar made from premium chocolate. The taste difference is immediately noticeable upon the first bit.

Although these gourmet chocolate bar favors cost a bit more, the bars are typically significantly larger than regular candy bars. 

Diva Favors, Copyright 2009

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Why You Need To Thank The Ancient Mayans For Chocolate

Many people have no idea where chocolate originated, if you asked some they might say Hershey, Pennsylvania! In actuality the confection that is adored by millions of people all over the globe comes from the Amazon region of South America and Central America where it was found my the Mayans and then was spread through the rest of America coming through Mexico and the Aztec Empire. Like many other things, the Aztecs attributed the existence of the Cacao plant to their god, Quetzalcoatl.

We don't think anything of it when we eat chocolate but to the Aztecs Cacao beans existed as food for the gods, literally. These beans were valued so highly by their culture that they were used as money for a time. The way modern chocolate came into being is from when the conquistadors came to America and then brought it back to Europe with them in the 1500s. This is when the dark confection was introduced to the Western World.

The chocolate we know of now exploded in popularity in the 1900s in the United States. Before this time only the wealthy and affluent could afford chocolate because it was so expensive. As a chocolate lover myself I know that I am grateful to Milton Hershey for making it affordable for everyone through delicious creations like the chocolate bar and kisses. The way he accomplished this is by taking after the Swiss milk chocolate making process and combining it with the recipe he came up with which brought the United States into the world of chocolate lovers.

In the U.S. medical doctors have been touting the benefits of the dark variety of chocolate because research seems to indicate that the darker the chocolate is the higher it is in antioxidants. Milk chocolate remains more popular because it tastes much better, the darker chocolate has a higher percentage of cacao which makes it more bitter, like baking chocolate.

I can almost guarantee you that somewhere in your home that you will have something that contains cocoa somewhere. I love the taste of Haagen Daz, especially in any form of chocolate. They have even come out with a special Mayan version of chocolate that will give you a little insight on how the taste may have been back in their day.

No you should see why we really owe the ancient Mayans and Aztecs a great debt of gratitude for bringing chocolate to the world. If it hadn't been for them you would have never had that chocolate bar you are munching on.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


A day in Brussels, Belgium. Beer and chocolate!

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Willie's Wonky Chocolate Factory

Willie's Devon-based chocolate factory is up and running with the arrival of his final piece of equipment from Spain. Unfortunately, an accident with a forklift delays its installation significantly, maybe even permanently.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pure Imagination

Willy Wonka sings Pure Imagination.

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Peter kay alive allotment 1

peter kay live in manchester, normal funny things from peter kay, only could upload in chunks, so search for rest, part 2 part 3, etc.

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The Process of Making Chocolate

Making chocolate involves a long process, from the cacao tree to the hands of the farmers to the factory to the hands of the master chocolate maker.

From nature to the factory
Chocolate comes from processed cacao beans, harvested from the cacao tree. Cacao trees only grow in tropical climates, 10 to 20 degrees north and south of the equator. The first cacao trees grew in the Amazon basins, north of Brazil. Today it is grown and cultivated in many tropical countries such as Ghana, Brazil, Nigeria, and the Ivory Coast, which are also four of the largest cacao growers in the world. Cacao trees strive in warm and humid weather with little or no wind. They like loose rich soil and shaded sunlight, usually growing under the shade of taller trees such as coconut, banana, and rubber trees.

Cacao trees are harvested only twice a year. The pods, where the seeds or the beans can be harvested, take five to six months to develop. The pods turn to orange or red from a green or yellow color once they are ripe and ready for picking. To harvest the pods, farmers use a machete to cut them off the tree. This is why cacao trees are trimmed to only about twenty feet, because they can shoot up as high as sixty feet. After picking, the cacao beans or seeds are left to ferment for several days, depending on the types of cacao variety. After fermentation, the seeds are wrinkled and darker in color and lose their overly bitter taste. They are the dried under the sun for another several days and then packed in sacks and shipped into factories. In the factory, the beans are cleaned and sorted and roasted at 450 to 350 degrees for thirty minutes up to two hours. Inside large revolving drums.

Making chocolate liquor
After roasting, the cacao beans' outer shell are removed, the process of which is called winnowing. The separated shells are sold as animal feeds and the inner nib is crushed and heated until it melts into cocoa butter and then ground into a thick paste called chocolate liquor. Liquor in this case does not mean it contains any alcohol but simply is in liquid form. This chocolate liquor forms the base of different types of chocolates, including dark, white, and milk chocolate. The concentration of the chocolate liquor will determine the richness of the chocolate's taste.

Different processes for different types of chocolate
There are also different processes for making different kinds of chocolate. Dutch-processed cocoa requires an alkali treatment. Without an alkali treatment, the liquor becomes cocoa powder and can be used for baking. To make cocoa powder, 10 to 25 percent of the cocoa butter is extracted from the cocoa liquor using a large press machine. This produces a cakey form, which is then ground and sifted using silk, nylon, or wire mesh. Dark chocolate is made by combining chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, vanilla and sugar. Milk chocolate is also a combination of those ingredients but has less cocoa liquor and milk is added in the mixture. Diabetic chocolate can be processed like milk or dark chocolate but contains no sugar, and instead make use of sugar alternatives.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Chocolate Gift Baskets - Decadent Treats For All Occasions

Chocolate gift baskets make a wonderful gift for just about any occasion, and can be a good alternative to flower arrangements or other traditional gifts. You can also use them as a tasty addition to other types of presents. Chocolate lovers will definitely appreciate receiving them on a special day.

You can choose from a variety of collections of chocolate gift baskets and they include some of the tastiest gourmet confections. Chocolate truffles with smooth sweet filling surrounded by a dark chocolate shell are my personal favorite. Whenever I purchase these little round delicacies for others, I always take the opportunity to indulge myself as well.

You can find some of the best chocolate gift baskets in specialty stores. You can either choose from the fine assortment they offer or you can individualize your basket by including just the items that you like. In addition, if you prefer, you can also add other items such as cheeses, nuts, fruits, coffee or wine in your gift basket. Low fat and sugar free chocolates are also available for folks with special dietary needs or who are health conscious. If you shop at a local store most likely you will be able to sample some of their specialties which is a big advantage. Of course, online shopping has its advantages too such as convenience and often times, better prices.

These delicious gift baskets come in a variety of sizes and prices to suit your budget. Whether you shop locally or online you can have your gift wrapped for the occasion and shipped directly to the recipient with a personal card attached. One thing you should be aware of though, is that it usually is more expensive to ship chocolates during warmer months since it requires special packaging to keep them fresh and cool.

Around Christmas and other special days such as Valentine's Day and Mother's Day many retailers offer special promotions in the form of discounts or free shipping. Look for those money saving opportunities as you shop for chocolate gift baskets.

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David Wolfe Visits Big Tree Farms Raw Cacao Facility in Bali.

David Wolfe Superfood authority and author of "Naked Chocolate" Visits Big Tree Farm's cacao processing in Bali and verifies the temperatures and quality of a truly Raw cacao Butter and Powder.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Memes A La Brawl

So, the other day Ganondorf was bored and decided to watch tv... He never expected the nightmare that awaited on the screen. Sick of how people instead of creating their own stuff they use memes? Then this video will make you puke! But still you can enjoy it, so, enjoy it! Constructive...

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NEVER BEFORE SEEN Jason Williams Mix

Talk with me on Twitter! and Tribute to the most entertaining point guard in NBA history. By Ryan Eytcheson

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Friday, July 9, 2010

White Castle For Valentine's Day?

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Choose the Best Clubbing Holiday For You

There's nothing better than getting your mates together and going on a clubbing holiday, a whole week of endless drinking and non stop partying! There are rules involved however, so you must answer these 3 vital questions before proceeding any further!

*Are you young?
*Are you free?
*Are you single?

If you can answer YES to all 3, you're going to have an amazing summer holiday!
If you answer YES to 2 or more, you're still going to have a fabulous time - just be careful...and be good!
Here are some of the party capitals across Spain to get you started...

San Antonio, Ibiza - Clubbing holidays to Ibiza have been around for years, yet still manage to retain its 'cool' factor. The young, the gorgeous and the wild head here to let loose and have an amazing, no holds barred week!

Begin the night by setting up camp in Café Mambo's where you can chill out with some soothing music and watch the sun go down, once it's disappeared the vibe becomes uplifting and you'd better prepare yourself for the events about to come. Head over to the 'West End' where bars upon bars will lure you in and you can sample some jaw dropping, heart stopping cocktails! End the night in one of the many infamous nightclubs.

Pasha - For the glitz and the glam, you'll stumble across many celebrities and top DJ's in this fabulous venue.

Privilege - Home to the famous Manumission, this nightclub can carry up to 10,000 clubbers a night and is certainly not for the faint-hearted!

Eden - You'll find Judge Jules hosting the amazing Judgment Sundays here among many other world renowned DJ's.

Amnesia - Hosting one of the biggest nights of the week, Cream. With its ice cannons and tropical terrace, Amnesia is a clubbers paradise.

Space - For the ultimate in hardcore, carry on the party throughout the day at Space, things kick off on a Sunday with 'We Love Sundays', watch and admire the many world class DJ's playing electro dance music.

Es Paradis - Famous for its water party's (Fiesta Del Agua) and R'n'B nights (Twice as Nice), this spectacular club is stunning, with a fun filled vibe filling the air and people from all over gathering on the lowered dance floor preparing to be soaked!

If you want to carry on the party throughout the day, there are many booze cruises you can attend, but do've got to make it all night too!

Key fact; please please please remember this vital piece of advice and the one true rule which must never be broken...What happens in Ibiza, stays in Ibiza!

Magaluf, Majorca - Magaluf is known as Majorca's partying capital, home to the infamous nightclub, BCM, Magaluf is popular among young clubbers looking for a fun filled, non stop party holiday.

Begin the night at 'the strip', here you'll find row upon row of bars, each offering fantastic 2 for 1 deals on your drinks with a few extra offers for you ladies! After sampling several bars and mingling with fellow clubbers, head over to one of the many nightclubs on offer.

BCM - Offering top notch DJ's such as DJ Sammy, Dave Pearce and Judge Jules, BCM is Magaluf's largest nightclub holding up to 4000 clubbers and is split into 3 levels. Wild nights can be seen especially when hosting its foam parties or even better, popcorn party's! Get stuck in, enjoy the laser shows and party until the early hours in this vibrant venue.

There are many smaller popular nightclubs, many which offer free entry and resident DJ's, including Poco Loco, Tokyo Joe's, Bananas and Fusion - Which was chosen by 'Mixmag' as Magaluf's top club.

One thing's for sure when visiting Magaluf, you'll never get bored, although it's not likely that you'll remember that much when you return anyway!

Playa De Las Americas - Tenerife - Clubbing holidays to Tenerife have been around for a long time thanks to it's fantastic bar street known as 'Veronica's'. The strip is filled with a buzzing, energetic vibe and is jam packed with bars and night clubs playing music from every genre.

Tenerife comes alive at night and stays that way until the early hours when everyone's finally returning to bed. The local PR's will attempt to drag you into every bar you pass, this gives you a great opportunity to bargain for some drinks offers before you decide to enter - especially for the ladies!

For all the football fans, head into Lineker's bar where you'll find an amazing atmosphere. With sports showing on its big screens, you can also rub shoulders with many celebs that frequent here.

There are several nightclubs to visit after your stint on bar street,

Tramp's - This is the most well known nightclub here, with an electric atmosphere filling the dance floor, Tramp's plays host to many world renowned DJ's including Lisa Lashes, Judge Jules and Dave Pearce.

Bobby's & Busby's - After many years of stiff competition with each other, both clubs are still alive and kicking and offer some amazing nights! You'll roll out in the early hours and will undoubtedly return night after night.

Depending on budget and personal choice, whichever destination you choose will offer you amazing nightlife and a colourful clubbing scene. Young and Lively holidays can often get booked up fairly quickly, however, late deals to Spain pop up on a regular basis. Even if you can't stay in the most central location, who minds a 20 minute walk if what you're getting in return is a bargain holiday?

Sleep all day, drink all night, dance until your feet hurt and never regret the things you do, regret the things you don't do!

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History of Belgian Chocolate

There is chocolate and then there is CHOCOLATE.

There are the everyday variety to the more exotic Godiva and Ghirardelli-style that can be found in many coffee houses and specialty. Then there is Belgian, seen by many the best that can be had in chocolate. Belgian chocolates are considered the gourmet standard in which other chocolates are measured. Even by the Swiss, who are known for their own high standards of quality. The Swiss, who had imported the basic recipe from the French and the Belgian.

When chocolate first started to take off during the 1880's it was supported by the Belgian Congo. There was about 10 million Africians that were killed under the Belgian ruler Leopold II to obtain the cocoa. In spite of the war going on, the Belgians were able to continue with the cocoa importing. But it was only when in 1857 that Jean Neuhaus used Couverteur a special version of chocolate. It was one hundred and fifty years later his grandson started to use Couverteur, he called to create what he called 'pralines'. Which is not to be confused with the sugary treat that can be found in American candy stores these days. These pralines can be filled with a variety of flavored creams known as nougats: like coffee, hazelnut, fruit or more chocolate. It was in 1912 that Belgium chocolates were first used as a gift. These gifts were even wrapped in a special wrapper designed just for Belgian chocolates, this wrapper is called Ballotin.

There is another big difference between Belgian and United States chocolate is the percentage of cocoa per volume being used.

Belgian chocolate is prepared from the seeds of the Cocoa Tree. This tree bears large helmet-shaped seed pods that after being gathered, the beans are dried by the sun.

Even though Cocoa Tree was first initially discovered in America, this tree can now be found in many of the equatorial countries. Once dried the beans are sent to chocolate manufacturers. Therethey are roasted and crushed producing cocoa powder. The seeds are also squeezed to make cocoa butter.

The chocolate is then produced by the mixing of the powder, cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder.

When Belgian chocolate makers make their chocolate. They take extreme care to select the finest cocoa and components to produce the chocolate and 'praline' filling.

When the Belgian chocolate artisan makes the 'praline' it is made by hand especially the decoration.

In 1883 a pair of chocolatiers by the names of Michiels and Bieswal developed another kind of Belgian chocolate. It is known as 'elephant' chocolate because the cocoa beans are from the West African coast known as the 'Gold Coast' of Ghana. These beans are well known for the bold taste they produce.

Africa isn't the only country noted for fine tasting cocoa. Brazil is as well, actually when a lot of people think of cocoa beans they think of Brazil. But unlike it's African counterpart. The cocoa that some chocolatiers call Karenero, this cocoa has a mild hazelnut flavor.

So it was with great care and diligence of the course of about two hundred years that a chocolate delicacy was created. This chocolate is known the world over as Belgian chocolate.

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