Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chocolate & Nutrients

In some quarters, chocolate is believed to be the 'forbidden fruit.' The reason for this is probably because it is widely known that chocolate often contains substantial amounts of sugar and fat, and the price paid for an over indulgence of sugars and fats is usually weight gain and all its associated issues. But, that said, have you ever heard the saying that goes something like, 'If the wheel falls of the cart, don't shoot the horse.' The fact is, an excess of most things in life, can lead to some form of negative effect. Therefore, I believe the rule should be, 'do and have the things you enjoy in life, but always strive to maintain a responsible balance.' The truth is chocolate does contain a myriad of nutrients and associated health benefits, not to mention the neural stimulation and resultant feelings of well being that its consumers may feel. Chocolate (in particularly dark chocolate) has a high concentration of antioxidants in the form of flavonoids. Flavonoids exist naturally in cacao, fruit and vegetables, and also in red wine; they are considered to be beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Antioxidants are believed to assist in the protection of cells and the retarding of the ageing process.

Although sixty percent of the fatty acids in cocoa are saturated (35% Stearic and 25% Palmlitic), evidence suggests that they behave differently and therefore, do not raise harmful cholesterol levels (fatty deposits in the blood which can lead to heart disease and other complications).

The emotional and physical lift, sometimes experienced when eating chocolate is grounded in some scientific knowledge. Cocoa and chocolate contain serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain, the absence of which, appears to have a definite correlation with depression. Also present, is another anti-depressant phenylethylamine, which is similar to the body's naturally occurring adrenaline and dopamine. Another stimulant component is caffeine (although in a relatively smaller quantity than would be found in coffee or caffeine based energy supplements).

Chocolate also contains a number of vitamins and minerals. Dark chocolate can contain noticeable quantities of the following:

Vitamin B1: Assists the nervous system, muscles, heart and nerve repair.

Vitamin B2: Assists growth, hair, nails and the synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B3: Helps the blood circulatory system and aspects of the digestive process.

Vitamin B5: Significant to the immune system and cell regeneration.

Magnesium: Helps in the conversion of food to energy, the strengthening of teeth and bones and body temperature regulation.

Iron: Assists the production of red blood cells it is also significant to the maintenance of white blood cells and the immune system.

Phosphorus: Helps in the cultivation of energy and is relevant to a range of important enzymes.

Zinc: Instrumental in the assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates and is important to the immune system.

Manganese: Promotes healthy bones, nerves, muscles, and the control of growth.

Milk Chocolate can also contain the following: Vitamin A. Important to the maintenance of eyesight and growth.

Vitamin D: For the cultivation of healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamin E: Valuable in the fight against toxins, and a noted antioxidant.

Calcium: Needed for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, muscular activity and blood clotting.

Phosphorus. (As above).

Now, despite these elements being of definite value to the body for all the factors previously stated; one wouldn't expect a bowl of chocolates to be healthier than a bowl of vegetables. Nevertheless, if we continue to enjoy our most popular treat while exercising some measure of responsibility, then I see no good reason for feeling guilty or indulgent. Good quality of life is paramount, and for me that will most certainly involve good chocolate, and the higher the standard of chocolate, the greater the pleasure. Hey! I'm feeling better already...

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